

We all as believers have a role to play and we have to play it effectively. Paul stated clearly in Eph 4:16 that we are all expected to work as a team, as Col4:7-12, Paul acknowledged all those that assisted him in fulfilling his ministry.

in Exd 17:9-13, Aaron and Hur stayed up Moses hands on both sides and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun, so that they could win the battle, while Joshua was at the forefront fighting the battle. They worked together as a team.

The only thing Jesus Christ did alone was to die for us, every other thing he had people (the apostles/disciples) assisting Him. It is very wrong for us as believers to want to do it all alone.

God has given us different gift so that His manifold wisdom will be displayed for the world to see. The church is a body (Rom12:5, Eph2:22), and if you do not play your part, then you will be depriving the church of some vital nutrients and components. If we have the same gift, the operation of the gift might/will be different.

So many people make themselves nominal member of churches, refusing to use their gifts.

What is spiritual gift?

Spiritual gift is a God given ability that serves as a channel through which God ministers to the body. Gift is the ability, not an office or a post.

What spiritual gift is not

  • Being given a post does not mean you have the gift.
  • The modern church has replaced the place of church as organism made up of parts for growth with church being an organization. The modern church has now become a multi-national corporation led by a CEO.
  • Modern day pastors are expected to have qualities like: being a good marketer, orator, must have ideas and inclinations about growth etc. all this qualities have nothing to do with spirituality.
  • To pastor means to shepherd, a pastor doesn’t necessarily have to be a good counselor.
  • The gift is also not an arm of ministry. Feeling inclined towards an office doesn’t mean you have the gift.

Characteristics of spiritual gift

  • Every age group needs the working of the gift.
  • They are given to you to benefit the church/body of Christ and not the whole world
  • It’s independent of parentage, so it is very wrong to duplicate gifting.
  • Gift isn’t given at birth, it’s given at conversion. The coming of the spirit gives/brings spiritual gift.
  • Everybody born again has been given spiritual gifts, at least one 1cor7:20, Rom12:3-4
  • Nobody has all the gift, if you have all the gift then you are the “body of Christ” which is not possible. One of the ways you think highly of yourself is when you think you have all the gifts Rom12:3.

Spiritual gifts are different from natural talents. Matt25:14-30 wasn’t talking about innate ability, it was talking about stewardship in general.

What is natural talent?

Natural talents are given to us by the virtue of genes our parents carry i.e it’s hereditary.  It’s more about your genetics, though you might discover them or not use them.

Characteristics of natural talent

  • It’s dependent on parentage i.e your genetics
  • It’s given to benefit the whole world

For examples; oratory is a natural talent, and it doesn’t mean the gift of teaching. Eloquence isn’t also a gift of teaching.

There’s always a mix up of talents and gifts. Be sure you are not attempting to carry over your natural talents into spirituality, as though it is a gift. There’s separate place for the manifestation of both i.e its possible for gift to be manifested in place of talent e.g In singing you can teach and encourage, that’s where the gift comes into talent. Being a good singer/musician, poet, writer etc. are natural talents.

Ways of recognizing spiritual gift

  • It starts from dedication and devotion to God. As paul said afore in Rom12:1, Eph4
  • Faithfulness to God in any service that you find yourself doing, recognizing the facts that you are a steward. Philip Is an example, he started as a deacon (serving food), then became an evangelist.

How to develop your gift

1tim4:14, neglect not your gift. 2tim1:6.

  1. Preparation: you shouldn’t feel you don’t need preparation at any point in time because you are gifted. Sometimes those who are talented feel that way too. Most preparation you will need to do will be in the study of the word and prayer, so that you will be able to know the mind/heart of
  2. Exercise: the more you exercise your gift, the better you become. Whatever gift you have is meant to be exercised. Take every opportunity that will allow you exercise your gift.
  3. Dedication and Willingness to do anything for


Your natural talent, learnt ability and spiritual gifts form a composite of what you can use in the service to God. Be ready for God always, by preparing yourself always, and seizing any opportunity that will make you play your part in the body of Christ.


Pastor Yinka Olowojolu

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